The Valley Of The Flags is part of the R329, colourfully adorned with flags that have at some stage been national flags of South Africa. The flags were painted by a nearby farmer pre-1994 and update after South Africa receives...
The Lady De Waal Bridge was built in 1911/12 and inaugurated in October 1913 by first administrator of the Union, Sir Frederick de Waal who named it after his wife, Lady De Waal. During the 1916 floods the bridge was washed away....
Steytlerville is home to many unique Rock Formations formed millions of years ago when the Karoo was at the bottom of the Algoa Sea and the high water temperature allowed the rock to become oft and bendable. As the earth plates...
The Dutch Reformed Church is the record-holding biggest Edwardian-style church in Southern African, seating 1200 members. The church was inaugurated in 1907. It features an organ consisting of 1046 pipes,. The site for St...
Inaugurated in 1967, the Museum is community-run and houses the history of settlement in the Steytlerville area. Displays include clothes, house implements and memorabilia from the turn of the century. The museum can be obtained...
The Heroes Monument honours those who died fighting for freedom during the apartheid years. Among those honoured are Mzwandile Veneress “Shakes” Miggels; Johannes “Pappie” Witbooi; “Thami” Khasibe.
The Steytlerville Crafters are a group of dynamic local women, armed with tile nippers and cutters, pliers and glue are producing beautiful mosaic works ranging from crosses and hearts to vases and bowls and anything in between....
In 2003, in the main street, Flags were erected depicting the Family Crests of Steytlerville families and encompassing crest from all communities. Those families without traditional crest were encourage to design their own to...
The War Monument built in 1925, pay homage to Steytlerville who died in the First and Second World Wars. They were CR Buckley, J Erasmus, N Gaisford, J Kunneke, A Pettit, J Ring, J de Wit, PF Ferreira, H Hooper, JY Nash and P...
James Kobe Madlaila’s grave is the only grave outside the town cemetery. James Kobe Madlaila, constable and the Xhosa interpreter on staff of the Resident Magistrate of Steytlerville was shot by Schemers’ commando, at...