Travel in the Baviaanskloof should be a leiurely afair. Allow enough time to appreciate the scenery and wildlife and if possible sleep over for a night or two.
The road conditions vary and it is impossible to rush. Below are tables depicting average traveltimes and distances.
Approximate Travel Times Through the Baviaanskloof |
Km |
Time |
Willowmore to Nuwekloof | 44 | 40 min |
Willowmore to Studtis se Poort | 78 | 1 hr 20 min |
Willowmore to Sandvlakte | 98 | 2 hrs |
Willowmore to Geelhoutbos | 108 | 2 hr 20 min |
Willowmore to Doodsklip | 135 | 3 hrs |
Willowmore to Patensie | 197 |
7 to 8 hrs |
Please note the time taken to travel the 62 km between Patensie and Doodsklip.
Distances Patensie to Willowmore |
Km |
Trip |
Km |
Distances Willowmore to Patensie |
Patensie to Andrieskraal |
16 |
16 |
196.8 |
Andrieskraal to Patensie |
Andrieskraal to Komdomo |
24 |
8 |
180.8 |
Komdomo to Andrieskraal |
Komdomo to Cambria |
35 |
11 |
172.8 |
Cambria to Komdomo |
Cambria to Poortjies |
40.5 |
5.5 |
161.8 |
Poortjies to Cambria |
Poortjies to Bergplaas |
51.1 |
10.6 |
156.3 |
Berplaas to Poortjies |
Bergplaas to Doodsklip |
62.1 |
11 |
145.7 |
Doodsklip to Bergplaas |
Doodsklip to Rooihoek |
64 |
1.9 |
134.7 |
Rooihoek to Doodsklip |
Rooihoek to Smitskraal |
67.7 |
3.7 |
132.8 |
Smitskraal to Rooihoek |
Smitskraal to Geelhoutbos |
88.7 |
21 |
129.1 |
Geelhoutbos to Smitskraal |
Geelhoutbos to Sandvlakte |
98.7 |
10 |
108.1 |
Sandvlakte to Geelhoutbos |
Sandvlakte to Studtis Poort |
118.7 |
20 |
98.1 |
Studtis Poort to Sandvlakte |
Studtis Poort to Makkedaat |
147.2 |
28.5 |
78.1 |
Makkedaat to Studtis Poort |
Makkedaat to Nuwekloof |
159.2 |
12 |
49.6 |
Nuwekloof to Makkedaat |
Nuwekloof to N9 |
190.8 |
31.6 |
37.6 |
Turnoff to Nuwekloof |
N9 To Willowmore |
196.8 |
6 |
6 |
Willowmore to turnoff |
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